About Us

About Us

Sunday…Doesn’t the word immediately give you good vibes? Whether you’re sleeping in, brunching out, lounging in or running about, rejuvenation is the name of the game. That’s why we’ve made it our name. So why not don your favourite day into your daily fashion DNA? 

Welcome to our colourful world, where you can shop yourself a pair of functional, comfortable, durable aaand stylish socks. (Unfortunately we have nothing with Polka dots). Or perhaps you’re looking for an equally functional, comfortable and stylish Tee? Thank goodness, we also have these. Tell you what, get both and we’ll even reduce our fees. In month’s to come we’ll have even more to share, shop and see, so always keep your eyes peeled on what’s brewing at the Sunday factory.

Made in South Africa, for South Africa and beyond. 

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